Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Penang Butterfly Farm

The Penang Butterfly Farm (PBF), the first tropical butterfly farm ever set up in the world, was founded in 1986. It is located in Telok Bahang, a fishing village located north of the island.

Talk about dreams coming true and ideas taking shape. Out of the strength came forth sweetness ?and one man's lifelong fascination with butterflies has resulted in a 1 hectare (and growing!) home and sanctuary to a wide variety of insects, reptiles, fishes and plants. Protected from natural predators and unfriendly environments, butterflies in this sanctuary turn into little Methuselahs, living for as long as 14 days. In their natural habitats, the average lifespan would be about three days.

At the last count, the Penang Butterfly Farm is sanctuary to an average flying population of 4,000 Malaysian butterflies from 120 different species, including some very rare and famous ones, like the Indian Leaf (Kallima paralekta), the endangered Yellow Birdwing (Troides helena) and the Rajah Brooke's Birdwing, arguably Malaysia's most well-known insect.

link to : http://www.cuti.com.my

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